4 Stars for “Road Rash” by Simon Janus


Just finished “Road Rash” by Simon Janus aka Simon Wood.

With”Road Rash” Wood created an adrenaline laced story that will keep the reader wanting more.

James Strayey is having a very bad day… The bank heist that he and his gang planned didn’t go so well. He got away with over $400,000 but his gang is all dead and to top that his get away car has broken down. It can’t get any worse than this?

Yes it can…

His bad day turns into a nightmare when he happens on an accident on the side of the road. One of the drivers was so badly injured that most of his skin seems to have been ripped off. There is nothing he can do to help the drivers but he can help himself to one of their cars. So he takes the Caprice and head to the California\Oregon boarder. As he gets further away, he begins to develop a rash that is eating away his flesh and he must race to find a way to survive.

“Road Rash” is Simon Wood at his best…If you enjoy short horror stories that you can read in one setting then “Road Rash” is a must read.

The Reader

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